• Moreno from Nicaragua

    The sun rise party at the Atami resort on top of the cliff overlooking the sea was indeed a perfect spot in terms of both partying and to watch the sun rise on the New Year’s day. Eugene, I and his friends felt 20 USD for a party that included unlimited drinks and breakfast in…

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  • Christmas with the Canadians (French speaking)

    From Antigua, Eugene and Sam left a day earlier to El Salvador. I spent an extra day in Antigua mostly wandering around. The next day was a good start; losing an altitude of 1500 metres over 30 kilometres was not hard. Although, a wrong turn at the end of this costed me a 22 Km’s…

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  • Buenos dias from Guatemala

    For this section of my ride, Eugene and I were joined by Sam who is also from Quebec, Canada. This section, 475 Km’s, from San Cristobal de las Casas to Antigua, Guatemala was like the mountain stages of Tour de France; tons of ascents and descents. From San Cristobal de Las Casas, we left to…

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  • Puncture free ride

    I stayed for two more days in Oaxaca city to wait for Eugene’s arrival, whom I cycled with previously in Baja California two months ago. I felt home at Zoe’s place(my Warmshowers host in Oaxaca) so it was not difficult to spend more time in Oaxaca. From Oaxaca City we cycled approximately 525 Km’s to…

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  • Back on the road – Mexico city to Oaxaca city

    It was getting dark around 6pm in Mexico city, the clock was moved forward and winter was on its way. It was time to hit the road and move to the southern hemisphere as soon as possible; I am determined to miss the winter this year. In Mexico City, I went to visit the magnificent…

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  • To Mexico City

    After Guadalajara I detoured a bit to visit Guanajuato and San Miguel Allende, some of the popular tourist destinations in Mexico. A total of eight days excluding a rest day at Guanajuato brought me to Mexico city. The whole time I was always above 1500 metres above sea level.The elevation profile says I climbed up…

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  • To Guadalajara

    ‘Progress’ will be the optimistic description and ‘bike problems’ will be the pessimistic description of my last two weeks. I prefer the former. Eugene and I took the first available ferry after the Hurricane from La Paz and came to Mazatlan on the Friday, 26th September. Eugene wanted to take a break from cycling and…

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  • Baja (South), Mexico

    Mission accomplished, that’s how we both felt when we arrived in La Paz, Mexico. It was a tough ride because of the wrong season to cycle, I guess. The heat and hurricanes tested our determination, but we persisted, ignoring some suggestions to skip some parts by taking a bus. We got used to the scenery…

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  • Baja Peninsula (North), Mexico

    Baja peninsula is known for its vastness and dry conditions. I will include some details of the towns and my route for future travellers. After crossing the border, I spent the first two nights in Rosarito where I made a plan for my ride in the Baja Peninsula. Ensenada was my first stop which is…

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  • Pacific coast ride: Part III

    Many thanks to Mik from Warmshowers who let me stay in his apartment for a week in San Francisco when he was away for work. I was so pleased that he trusted me and allowed me to stay in his apartment in his absence. I am also grateful for the lovely south indian meal by…

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